BIS udgiver rapport om 'Project Icebreaker' - udvikler grænseoverskridende detail CBDC betalingsmodel

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has released a report summarizing theProject Icebreakertrial, which explored the potential advantages and difficulties of utilizing a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) in cross-border payments. The experiment was designed to test “det…

Hong Kong præsenterer digital valutaprototype, Projekt guld

Financial authorities in Hong Kong have unveiled a prototype of the Chinese autonomous territory’s own central bank digital currency called Project Aurum. The two-tier platform features a wholesale interbank and a retail e-wallet system, participants revealed. Hong Kong to Issue Retail

Den spanske telekomgigant Telefonica samarbejder med Qualcomm for at udvikle fælles Metaverse-initiativer

Telefonica, one of the largest telecom carriers in Spain, and Qualcomm, the fabless chip designer, have inked a partnership to advance joint extended reality and metaverse initiatives. Telefonica will use Snapdragon Spaces, a new technology from Qualcomm, to bring these metaverse

Ghanas centralbank annoncerer lancering af Regulatory Sandbox

Ghana’s nyligt lancerede regulerings- og innovationssandbox er centralbankens seneste bevis’s forpligtelse til et reguleringsmiljø, der fremmer “innovation, finansiel inklusion og finansiel stabilitet,” en erklæring udgivet af Bank of Ghana har sagt. Ifølge…

Britiske Fintech Revolut tildelt krypto-licens på Cypern

Den britiske-baserede digitale bank Revolut er blevet autoriseret af Cypern til at levere kryptovalutatjenester til millioner af kunder på det gamle kontinent. Fintech-firmaet siger, at den regulatoriske godkendelse vil give det mulighed for at etablere et europæisk krypto-hub i ø-nationen….

Vietnams Blockchain-industri står over for mangel på talent

Den blomstrende blockchain-sektor i Vietnam er nødt til at håndtere et alvorligt underskud på specialister, det afslørede lokale medier. På trods af det store antal softwareingeniører i landet, those with blockchain expertise meet less than a fifth of the current

Det portugisiske parlament afviser kryptoskatteforslag under budgetdebatten

Two proposals to tax crypto assets have failed to gain support from Portuguese lawmakers who are now discussing the state budget. The bids came from minority left-wing parties, while the ruling majority is yet to put forward its own draft to

Freedom Protocol er blevet projektet med den største mængde IDO i Binance Smart Chain-økologien

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Binance er en nysgerrig virksomhed. verdenen’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, det har heller ikke noget officielt hovedkvarter og opererer uden for lovgivningsmæssig kontrol. Men det stopper måske ikke dets skridt. Binance.US rejste finansiering til en værdiansættelse på $4,5 mia. denne måned, providing a

Fort Worth udvinder Bitcoin i rådhuset, Borgmester ønsker at forvandle regionen til en teknologivenlig by

World Cup, Fort Worth mayor Mattie Parker and Fort Worth revealed that the city is now the first U.S. city government in the country to mine bitcoin. World Cup, the city of Fort Worth has partnered with the Texas

Argentinsk værdipapirtilsynsmyndighed lancerer Innovation Hub for at diskutere regulerede kryptoinvesteringer

The National Securities Commission (CNV), which is the Argentinian securities watchdog, recently launched an innovation hub with the goal of advancing conversations about cryptocurrency and fintech investments. This organization will serve as a link between private entities and the institution, til…